
Every voice deserves to be heard

This is such a simple statement, but every day millions of young children and women throughout the world are denied a voice.

Every voice is not heard.

As a founding member, with a group of multicultural youth, we have established Voices for Justice, in 2005, northern California. We advocate for the rights of children and adolescent by providing a forum for public awareness through: education, community service, events and programs so that every child and every young adult has the opportunity to fulfill his or her highest potential. A UNICEF ambassador, Voices for Justice believes it is our duty and our responsibility to serve our community, to stand against injustice to demand that very child have the right and the opportunity to fulfill his or her highest potential.

Hamaseh Kianfar, Ed. D.

Hamaseh Kianfar, Ed. D. has a doctoral degree in education with focus on Organization and Leadership, and a Master Degree in Counseling Psychology. She has worked, in collaboration, with Humanitarian Organizations such as UNESCO, UN NGOs, Amnesty International and others, developed programs to advocate for human rights with focus on women and children’s rights, including Voices for Justice, a global youth organization advocating for women and children’s rights. 


Hamaseh Kianfar gave a talk on: The role of forgiveness in healing trauma
at the annual Beyond Identification event
Theme: Heart-Based Treatment of Trauma
Saturday March 12, 2022